March 03, 2011

First post!

Happy Thursday!  I am hoping this will be a good way to keep everyone, friends and family, up to date with all the day to day craziness that we have going on these days!  A lot is changing and will be getting pretty hectic in the coming months so please bare with me!  I will keep this as up to date as possible.  :D  Welcome to our crazy!


  1. I love the "Doodle" blog!
    We miss watching and being there for Hailey as she grows up. I hope she will be as beautiful & wonderful as her mom!
    Looking foward to seeing this blog grow!
    And can't wait till ya'll come home!!!! USA!

  2. We cannot wait to be back in the States!!! I am so excited for Doodle and Nat to get to know everyone back home and know what it's like to have family around again. :D We miss all of you too!
