What exactly is a Doodle?
Well, in our case, a three year old monster! She is a wonderfully amazing, charming, silly, sweet, terrifying child. lol She is the best part of our hectic little world that seems to be getting even more so as the months go by!
A little about us for those who don't know...
Shane is in the Air Force, soon to be retired. We met at his first duty station in Dover, DE and became nearly inseparable! A self proclaimed knight in shining armor of sorts, he is a wonderful hubby and an amazing dad!
Me (Sarah), well, I'm good ol' mom! Finally attempting to go back to school after a few years of thinking that "it's just not for me!" I highly recommend it to anyone. lol I loving being home with my crazy little monsters and can't wait for the next one to get here.
Hailey, better known as Doodle most days and the inspiration for this snazzy blog, is just fantastic!! There are few other words I can think of that best fit her personality. A little bit larger than life some days, she makes everyday an adventure! Living overseas at the moment it's hard to keep everyone up to date on all of our goings on. Almost three (I can't believe it!) and a wonderfully nutty child with enough personality for three kids, she definitely keeps us busy!
Natalie is our "soon to be" little monster. She is due sometime in late April or early May. We are all very excited for her arrival!
Bella is our mutt. Doodle loves her like a very close sibling and some days I don't know who is the kid and who is the dog. lol
Charlie was our latest addition, a sweet GSP that we saved from the local kennels. He's pretty much filled the position of "big brother" around here. I love all my little monsters!